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» » Samsung becomes a Platinum-level Linux Foundation member, open-source gets a Korean accent
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Samsung's business virtually revolves around open-source code and Linux, both through obvious software like Android and Tizen as well as behind-the-scenes code for TVs and even home appliances. It almost shouldn't be a surprise, then, that the company just became a Platinum-level member of the Linux Foundation, giving it much more control over how the platform advances. The favor is being returned in kind, both through a $500,000 cash injection as well as a Samsung pledge to become a better open-source neighbor. Any long-term plans of Samsung's are being kept under wraps, but going to the Platinum tier puts it at a rare level enjoyed only by the likes of core Linux supporters like IBM, Intel and Oracle -- it's even higher than Google.

Press Release

Samsung Electronics Joins Linux Foundation at Platinum Level
By Linux_Foundation - June 5, 2012 - 3:54pm
World's largest device maker places strategic, long-term investment in the Linux platform
YOKOHAMA, Japan, June 6, 2012 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, today announced that Samsung Electronics, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, is joining the organization as a Platinum member.
The company's investments in Android and other Linux-based operating systems and tools are contributing to its success as the world's largest device maker. Samsung Electronics uses Linux throughout its company, across product lines, divisions and geographies. For example, Samsung Electronics' Android-based Galaxy series has been met with positive reviews and is experiencing high demand in all regions around the globe, alongside other Linux-based consumer electronics such as televisions and home appliances. By using Linux, the company can innovate on device design and functionality, offering a large variety of electronics products at varying price points.
With today's announcement, Samsung Electronics is reiterating its commitment to Linux and investing its resources in a platform it believes will help sustain its global leadership position. The company will work with The Linux Foundation on streamlining its participation with the kernel community and adopting open source best practices.
"By becoming a leader among its peers in Linux and open source software, Samsung Electronics is clearly raising the bar for innovation once again," said Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation. "The company's commitment to Linux and investment in its development firmly plants it in a position to continue its achievements in the mobile, embedded and consumer electronics markets. This is a strategic business decision that will result in advancing Samsung Electronics' success and accelerating Linux development work."
"The Linux Foundation is an important organization. It brings the right people and resources together to help companies and developers advance Linux for everyone," said WonJoo Park, Vice President, Samsung Electronics. "We're looking forward to increasing collaboration and support for our growing portfolio of Linux-based devices and to making contributions that advance Linux for all."
There are three classes of corporate membership at The Linux Foundation: Silver, Gold and Platinum. The Platinum level of membership is the highest level of membership. Samsung Electronics joins an influential group of companies that have exhibited tremendous leadership and support for Linux and, as a Platinum member, will have a seat on The Linux Foundation's Board of Directors.
The mobile and embedded markets are rapidly growing areas for Linux. The Linux Foundation hosts technical projects and Linux events, as well as focused Linux training services that help advance the platform in these areas. Examples include the Consumer Electronics Linux workgroup, Yocto Project, The Linux Foundation Labs project Tizen and Embedded Linux Conferences, among others.
For more information about Linux Foundation Corporate Membership, please visit:

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